Friday, January 21, 2011

Decisions, Decisions, Decisisons

So the actual internship list has finally been opened. Now I have to make one of the hardest decisions of my life thus far - where to actually apply.  Do I want a big or small office? Do I want to be doing more financial or economic work? How far do I want to travel each morning? What kind of enviornment do I want to be working in 40 hours a week? Who do I want to connect my name with?

All of these decisions are driving me batty! Its so hard to decide but I know that I have to in order to maybe (fingers crossed!) get a job when I graduate in a year and a half (eek!).

But no matter what kind of pressure it is to pick, and then interview and then get the darn thing I know it will totally be worth it when I get there in June and begin one of the greatest adventures of my life!

In other news it is -7 degrees here today.  If you've never been in -7 degree weather it feels like someone is slowly covering you in ice and pealing back your skin.  It hurts in other words.  I almost cried walking to work this morning.  It is not going to be a good walk to class today. And Im sick which just makes everything worse.
Can it be summer please???

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